Sequence-to-sequence autoencoder for unsupervised learning of nonlinear dynamics (Tensorflow).
Recurrent autoencoder for unsupervised feature extraction from multidimensional time-series.
This program implements a recurrent autoencoder for time-series analysis. The input to the program is a .csv file with feature columns. The time-series input is encoded with a single LSTM layer and decoded with a second LSTM layer to recreate the input. The output of the encoder layer feeds in to a single latent layer, which contains a compressed representation of the feature vector. The architecture for the network is the same as illustrated in this paper.
Timestamps | Features | Labels |
t = 1 | Feature 1 … Feature N | Label 1 … Label M |
… | … | … |
t = T | Feature 1 … Feature N | Label 1 … Label M |
# Training
NUM_TRAINING = 100 # Number of training batches (balanced minibatches)
NUM_VALIDATION = 100 # Number of validation batches (balanced minibatches)
# Learning rate decay
# Decay type can be 'none', 'exp', 'inv_time', or 'nat_exp'
DECAY_TYPE = 'exp' # Set decay type for learning rate
LEARNING_RATE_INIT = 0.001 # Set initial learning rate for optimizer (default 0.001) (fixed LR for 'none')
LEARNING_RATE_END = 0.00001 # Set ending learning rate for optimizer
# Load File
LOAD_FILE = False # Load initial LSTM model from saved checkpoint?
# Specify filenames
# Root directory:
dir_name = "ROOT_DIRECTORY"
with tf.name_scope("Training_Data"): # Training dataset
tDataset = os.path.join(dir_name, "trainingdata.csv")
with tf.name_scope("Validation_Data"): # Validation dataset
vDataset = os.path.join(dir_name, "validationdata.csv")
with tf.name_scope("Model_Data"): # Model save/load paths
load_path = os.path.join(dir_name, "checkpoints/model") # Load previous model
save_path = os.path.join(dir_name, "checkpoints/model") # Save model at each step
save_path_op = os.path.join(dir_name, "checkpoints/model_op") # Save optimal model
with tf.name_scope("Filewriter_Data"): # Filewriter save path
filewriter_path = os.path.join(dir_name, "output")
with tf.name_scope("Output_Data"): # Output data filenames (.txt)
# These .txt files will contain loss data for Matlab analysis
training_loss = os.path.join(dir_name, "training_loss.txt")
validation_loss = os.path.join(dir_name, "validation_loss.txt")
The following is an example of a rapid implementation which encodes the features of a simple sine wave.
v1.0.3: Updated to a more generalizable architecture proposed by Cho et. al (2014).
v1.0.2: Updated architecture from that proposed by D. Hsu (2017) to that proposed in this paper, namely one latent layer compressing all time steps and output-feedback into the decoder layer.
(1) Ensure that you have Tensorflow and Pandas installed. This program was built on Python 3.6 and Tensorflow 1.5.